Act on the Ivory Act: How you can spread the word.

Over the past weeks we’ve been campaigning hard for the petition ‘Exempt bow of stringed instruments from the Ivory Act registration requirement’. The deadline for signatures is 23 July 2019, so there is still plenty of time for us to exceed the 10,000 required to get a response from Parliament. Under the rules of the petition system 100,000 signatures will trigger an automatic debate in parliament, but within the small print, a much smaller number may provide the mandate for a debate to be brought forward by member’s of parliament. As the petition is based on expert opinion from a small and specialist group, we are at a point where truly every signature counts. Please encourage your musician friends and clients to get involved. Share through social media, email client lists, and print out the letter below with a QR code attached so that customers can easily scan it with their phone and go to the government’s petition website. Go directly to the government petition website here and sign right now:

Thank you for your time. Ultimately the matter is for parliament to decide once we have put our evidence forward. Notwithstanding the negative consequences for musicians, we firmly believe that government has failed to see the extent of the problem, and the regulatory requirements that they putting forward have the dangerous potential of diverting vital resources from the real issue of preventing smuggling of ivory into and through UK ports.

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